Terms of service

This page outlines the terms of service for the distribution related to my derivative work.
Users of this distribution should read the following and enjoy themselves within the boundaries of these terms of service.

Read and agree with ALL terms of use written in this txt file before using this MikuMikuDance Model Data. If you do not agree with all terms of use, or if you do not understand any part of this terms of use txt file, you are NOT allowed to use this MikuMikuDance Model Data.

Language versions are considered to be equally authentic.

However,in the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Japanese version shall prevail in determining the spirit, intent, and meaning of it.

This agreement is governed by Japanese law.


The model that these terms of service apply to is basically a derivative work.
There is completely no relation to the copyright or the original creator. Please do not direct any inquiries to the copyright owner.


My MMD_models are something that I have personally created as fan art.
Distribution was not my major intention.

I have not abandoned its copyright as a derivative work. If you would like to use it in a manner not described in these terms, please make sure to send me an inquiry.
I will not take any responsibility for any damage that might be incurred as a result of using this data.
Please use it within the boundaries of common sense in order not to cause trouble for other people.

*If there are any official guidelines for derivative works...please adhere to those first.
*If there are no official guidelines...if anything happens (for example, an official request for a video to be taken down), I might request that the relevant party delete the video and model data.
In that event, please accede to my request promptly.

The online terms of service might be updated without prior notice.

◆Prohibited Items
-Do not share the download password for this MMD Model Data.

-Do not re-distribute this MMD Model Data.

-Private Trading and Public Trading of this MMD Model Data is NOT allowed.

-Do not take this Model apart. You are not allowed to create another MMD Model by using parts of this MMD Model Data. (For example, do not take this Model's hair and put it on a different Model.)

-Do not use this MMD Model in avatars (user icons) for social networking services and other online communities.

- Commercial use is prohibited.
*Use in situations in which exchange of money takes place is generally prohibited.
*This also applies to advertising revenue and events involving commercial products or monetary prizes.
- Romantic/erotic/grotesque expressions surpassing the original work are prohibited.

-Do not use this MMD Model for works which include YAOI/YURI content.
- Use during events is prohibited.
- Use involving the government, religion or ideology are prohibited.
- Use that infringes, or might infringe, on a third party's rights is prohibited.
- Use with malicious intent to ruin the reputation of the characters is prohibited.
- Redistribution is prohibited. Transfer of model data is also prohibited.
- Leaking the password is prohibited.
- Modifying and thereafter redistributing it is prohibited.
- 3D output is prohibited. Selling a 3D output model is prohibited.
- Claiming that you created it yourself is prohibited.
- Use with anything other than MMD/MMM is prohibited.
- Converting the file format is prohibited.
*Using it in a VRchat is prohibited.
- Using it as a ripping model is prohibited.
*If you are unsure about its use, please ask.


◆Regarding modifications
- Please do not modify it until it does not resemble its original human form, or split it up and rearrange it.
- The bone structure, waist, physics, texture and morph can be modified.
- Change of clothes can be done as you please.
- Redistribution after modification is prohibited.

◆Handling of Original Work in Regards to R Rated Works
- Regarding erotic or grotesque expressions, it is acceptable if it is within the boundaries of the original work.
- Interaction between characters should not surpass the boundaries of the original work.

  ex.Contact with ryo and akira→Do not do more than hug.
*If reenacting an erotic or grotesque expression, please make sure to prepare the viewer beforehand, or display a warning.
- If there are erotic or grotesque expressions that would be R rated, please do not tag(MMD/MikuMikuDance) it.
If you do not understand the above, please avoid such expressions.

*If it is a personal exchange such as privater or DM,
and will not be viewed by the public, there will be no restrictions applied with regard to expression.
*Please avoid vulgar expressions in public.
*If you are unsure how much is too much, please discuss it with me.

◆Regarding Credit
- Please display credit if using it.【生郎/Namaro】or【すろご/SUROGO】
- Please try to register it on the content tree When using with NicoNicoDouga.
http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im7254694 or Model distribution video
- If you are posting it to social networking sites like Twitter or YouTube, other than credit,
it would make me happy if you could state my Twitter account(@Lucy_No165).
*I will leave this up to you. 

How to erase a Box→Slide c2 key『表情操作』、『その他』

Unzip a file pass→I agree to the terms.


If you find this MMD Model Data re-distributed by anyone other than me "生朗/Namaro" on a NON-JAPANESE website, I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask them to delete it.

If you find any works on a NON-JAPANESE website which do not follow these rules, I would greatly appreciate it if you can ask that individual to delete that video &/or image.
If you are unclear about or have problems with its use, please let me know.